This week’s “Fabulous Room” is a truly spectacular entryway in a New York apartment designed by up-and-coming designer, Lilly Bunn Weekes whose chic style I have admired for a while now. Upon seeing this stunning foyer, I was immediately drawn in by the high gloss, peacock blue lacquered walls, gold leaf ceiling treatment, and the fabulous Jean de Merry urchin chandelier. Paired with a striking mirror and x-benches upholstered in a fresh ikat fabric, the space is at once classic, modern, and undeniably glamorous.
Which element in this room is your favorite? By the way, after resisting for a good year, I finally gave in and joined Instagram this week and am quickly becoming addicted-- precisely why I put it off for so long! I'd love for you to follow me @ladolcevitablog. Have a wonderful weekend!