1. Unplug: Trust me, as someone who owns multiple online businesses and teaches social media I have more than my fair share of an online addiction. Getting myself to detach for just a few hours, let alone days, is no small feat. But the rewards are incredible. Every time that I have forced myself to unplug for a few days I have noticed a drastic difference in the quality and enjoyment of my work when I return. It's a necessary and oh-so-enjoyable way to reset your focus.
2. Educate & Evolve: As much as I enjoy watching Hart of Dixie (and believe me I do), it doesn't exactly refuel my mind. When I'm in a funk I pick up a new book (you can see my favorite business books HERE), take a class or even go to a museum. I'm sometimes hesitant, but it's amazing how much it refreshes and reinvigorates me. Isn't it strange how little intentional learning many of us do after we have completed school? Now's your chance to change that and become the multi-talented person you've always dreamed of becoming!
3. Travel: It can be inconvenient and it's usually expensive but traveling will add breadth to your perspective and dimensions to your life like nothing else can. There is nothing like new places and new faces to advance yourself both personally and professionally. I can't tell you how many creative breakthroughs I've had while strolling through Central Park, or sitting on a bench in a park in Paris. There is something about immersing yourself in a new culture that challenges you to look your life and your dreams in an entirely new way.
4. Get Fancy: More and more people are working from home now, and the result? Sweatpant Syndrome. I know that your jammies are cozy, but never underestimate how much the way you look affects the way that you feel. I'm not saying that you have to wear your Loubutouins around the house, but just showering and doing your hair and makeup can give you more confidence and swagger that will increase the quality of your work throughout the day.
5. Play with People: Sometimes we just need a reminder to reengage with the people in our life, or a push to reach out to someone new. Many of us feel that we have to find ways to inspire ourselves, when really just being exposed to other people's perspectives and thoughts is incredibly inspiring. I suggest a mix of both old a new. Make sure to spend quality time (i.e. detach yourself from your cell phone) with those you love. And set a goal to go out to lunch or coffee with 1 new person each month. Even when work is fierce, force yourself to schedule time with people both inside and out of your industry to keep yourself connected and engaged.
6. Mix It Up: A lot of times, feeling uninspired is due to getting stuck in too much of a routine. Try eating something different for breakfast or work from a new place. If you don't want to change what you do, just move around the order that you do it in. Normally make your phone calls in the morning? Try making them in the afternoon instead. Want to try a real game changer? Don't check your email until 2pm each day. Sound impossible? I tried it and it was a serious game changer for my productivity. So there you have it - 6 ways to become re-inspired. Pretty painless right? I didn't even tell you that you had to stop eating those macarons or hit the gym! Now it's your turn. Leave a comment below and share what you do to get out of a funk. I look forward to reading all of your fabulous suggestions. xx Melanie
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