Happy New Year, everyone! As I’ve mentioned recently, 2012 was a particularly trying year for me and for my family, so I am so glad that it is now behind us. I am truly hoping that 2013 will be kind to me and that I have the courage and wisdom to take advantage of any opportunities that may come my way. The past couple of years have had some wonderful moments as well as some big set backs, but I am welcoming 2013 with a positive outlook and an open mind. Rather than make resolutions, I have made annual to-do lists in the past. I just find resolutions to be rather trite and let’s face it—no one ever really sticks to them! I went back and read my New Year’s post from last year and it looks like I still have a lot of the same things weighing on my mind as well as similar aspirations. Instead of making a big to-do list or setting unrealistic resolutions, this year, I am keeping things simple by writing out a few reminders based on lessons I have recently learned.
1. I recently read a status update that Pencils of Promise founder, Adam Braun posted on Facebook and it really resonated with me. It is a wise and powerful reminder that I will keep in mind this year: “Don’t try to win over every person, instead build deeper relationships with those most important to you.”
2. If I learned anything in 2012, it was the supreme importance of one’s health. You can have everything else in the world, but without your health, it doesn’t mean a thing. After going through two surgeries in the latter half of 2012, I am all out of useless organs to lose. Gallbladder—check! Appendix—check! I really plan to focus on getting my body as healthy as possible this year and hope to get my stress level under control. Easier said than done, but absolutely necessary! I can’t help but think that the health problems I’ve had in the last year have to be linked to stress somehow. I need to learn to not sweat the small stuff and just let go.
3. In health related news, I’d like to think that this might be the year for a baby Contreras. I’ve been saying it for years, but never felt ready and if I am completely honest, I don’t know if I will ever feel 100% ready to start a family, but we’ve been married for seven and a half years, I turned 31 in November and it would be nice to have a sweet little baby. In an effort for full disclosure, the fact that I have dealt with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) for the past several years makes me really nervous. I can’t help but feel in my bones that this journey will be challenging for us, but we shall see!
4. Speaking of babies, La Dolce Vita has been like my baby for the past five and a half years and I really hope to take things to the next level with the blog this year. I am still figuring out what that looks like, but I should have a lot of exciting blog-related things in store this year. Everyday, I thank my lucky stars for my wonderful readers. You all enrich my life in a way that I will never be able to fully express through words. Thank you for the gift of your readership and support.
5. The events of 2012 have also taught me to cherish the people and things that I love more than ever. I am so thankful to everyone who has been there for me when I needed them and hope that I have done the same for you. I plan to spend more quality time with those who matter most in 2013—Fabian, Tate, my family, and friends—both old and new and to do more of the things I love like traveling and blogging.
This certainly is not my most ambitious list or resolutions or hopes for a new year, but I suppose that is the biggest lesson for me to keep in mind—the importance of simplifying one’s life and focusing on the things that matter most. I truly hope that this year will have lots of positive things—health, happiness, prosperity, and love in store for all of us! Thank you again for taking the time to visit my blog each day. Your support means the world to me.
What are you hoping to achieve in 2013?