“The main thing is to be moved, to love, to hope, to tremble, to live." -- Auguste Rodin
Hello, it's Erika from small shop with the second installment of my new "Art in 5" column! This month I decided to focus on the most well-known sculptor in modern history, Auguste Rodin. You most likely have heard of him -- and have even seen in person one of his 28 "The Thinker" statues around the world -- but you may not know much else about him. You may even see his work around and immediately think "classical sculpture" but not realize that he was actually considered very avant-garde and non-traditional for his time. Here are a few quick bits about why that may have been:
Some of his beautiful work:
"Mignon" 1869 (modeled after his longtime companion and eventual wife, Rose Beuret)
"The Shade" 1880
"The Thinker" 1880
"Eternal Springtime" 1884
"Danaïd" 1885 (modeled after his assistant and lover, Camille Claudel)
"Faun and Nymph" 1886
"Orpheus and Eurydice" 1892
"Draped Torso of the Age of Bronze" 1895
"Pygmalion and Galatea" 1908
"The Cathedral" 1908
Which is your favorite? Have you seen his work in person?
Images via musee-rodin.fr