LDV Gift Guide: Valentine's Day Edition

Can you believe February is just around the corner? Our upcoming trip to Napa and San Francisco happens to fall during Valentine's Day. We didn't really plan it that way, it just so happens that the dates worked for us, so it'll be a welcome opportunity for a romantic holiday. Needless to say, the trip is a big treat between flights, nice hotels, dinners, and wine tastings, so Fabian and I won't be exchanging any other gifts this year. As cheesy as Valentine's Day can be, I welcome any chance to revel in love and show those dearest to me how loved they are. Plus, I actually really love pink and red! Here are a few stylish gifts in a Valentine's Day-inspired pink and red palette that are sure to put a smile on your sweetie's face on February 14th.

Do you celebrate Valentine's Day? Do you exchange gifts with your significant other or stick to Valentine's staples like flowers and chocolates?