Back from California

{Lunch at Auberge du Soleil Overlooking the Beautiful Napa Valley | Image via my Instagram}
It's funny how time seems to fly by fastest when one is on vacation. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun! Fabian and I had the most amazing week in Napa visiting various wineries, indulging in the most delicious meals, and enjoying the beautiful scenery on daily bike rides and strolls. We usually go on city vacations where we go, go, go the whole time as we aren't really beach people. This was the first vacation we've had in a  very long time where we not only had fun, but felt completely relaxed. It was total bliss! Today, it's back to reality and the daily grind, but I will be back soon with a full recap of our time in Napa and San Francisco with plenty of recommendations, so stay tuned! Happy Monday!